Mississippi Kite Identifying Features

Photo by Gary Siftar
pale body
bluish gray upperparts
long wings
Photo by Gary Siftar
pale gray head
dark eye patch
red irises
black bill
Photo by Linda Hufford
black bill
black tongue
(photo showing white
secondaries needed)
Outermost primary shorter than wing tip
(see juvenile photo below)
whitish secondaries on males and some females
Photo by Gary Siftar
males have long black square tail with black quills
some females have black tails with white quills, some paler tails
Photo by Gary Siftar
grayish upperparts
brown streaked underparts
long wings and long tail
Photo by Gary Siftar
Outermost primary shorter than wing tip
banded tail
Photo by Linda Hufford
heavily brown streaked underparts
Photo by Linda Hufford
gray and brown streaked head
black lore
white throat
dark brown iris
black bill
white supercilium