College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC
Coming in January, 2025
WRNC invites wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, vet techs and associated wildlife professionals to attend its annual symposium. The symposium is held at NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine in Raleigh each January. The date of the next symposium will be posted here when it is finalized.
In addition to general sessions appropriate for all rehabilitators, there is a track of sessions for beginning rehabilitators. There is a track of sessions that is approved for veterinary CE credit and a track approved for vet techs. A variety of workshops are offered. Many sessions are appropriate for more than one track.
WRNC provides RVS training at the symposium. It includes sessions on the new regulations, permit application requirements and procedures, and permit restrictions taught by the NCWRC (2 hours). The Department of Health teaches about rabies, vectors, vaccinations, titers, testing and more (2 hours). Expert instructors for the various rabies vector species cover handling, housing and care for each species (8+ hours). These sessions cover the 12 hours of required training needed to qualify for the permit. For more info see the RVS page.
Registration opens in mid November. The registration fee for non-members has not been set for symposium 2025. There is a discount for members. There is an additional fee for each lab taken. A catered lunch is available on Saturday and Sunday. There is a fee for registrants who wish to attend the banquet. The lunch and banquet fees have not yet been determined.
We use the Office of Continuing Education at NCSU to process our registrations.
Several labs are offered each year. There is a $5 fee for each lab taken. The fees help cover the cost of supplies used in the labs.

Enjoy great food and lots of fellowship at our catered banquet Saturday evening. The keynote address is given immediately after the banquet. The keynote speaker is announced in November.

Past Keynote Speakers

Avian influenza and the threat to California Condors

Secret Lives of the Opossum

Tales from the Front: A Rehabber’s World of Mirth, Madness, and Misidentification
Meet your fellow rehabilitators at the IceBreaker Friday evening from
7-9 pm at the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Light hors d’oeuvres are provided. The IceBreaker is held in the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine cafeteria.

Raffle items are on display throughout the day on Saturday.
Tickets may be purchased at the sales table.
The drawing is held on Saturday at 5:00 pm.

Book and T-shirt Sales
Books on rehab and animal related topics are sold. T-shirts and sweatshirts are sold in a variety of colors.


We invite organizations to participate as an exhibitor/vendor and take the opportunity to raise funds by selling items during this event, displaying pictures, and distributing brochures.
Commercial vendors pay a nominal fee to WRNC, but for rehabilitators and others connected with a non-profit organization, there is no fee. We are pleased to offer exhibitors this fantastic advertising opportunity to spread the word about their group, attract new members and volunteers, and best of all – raise money to continue their activities! Contact Toni O’Neil, Exhibitor Committee Chair, with questions.
Symposium Scholarships
Three scholarships, that cover the symposium attendance fee and hotel lodging* are available for WRNC members with financial need. To apply send an email to the WRNC president explaining how you expect to benefit from the symposium and why financial assistance to attend is needed. Applications for 2025 must be received no later than December 15, 2024.
For additional information contact WRNC President Linda Bergman-Althouse:
*Lodging will be provided only if a scholarship is awarded to an applicant residing one hour or more from symposium location.
Continuing Education Credit
The WRNC symposium is approved for continuing education units for renewal of the Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator (CWR) certificate.
The WRNC symposium is approved for up to 10 hours of veterinary CE credit in North Carolina.
The WRNC symposium is approved for up to 12 hours of vet tech CE credit in North Carolina.
The Symposium is held at
NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
1060 William Moore Drive
Raleigh, NC
No live animals (pets or wildlife) are allowed in the college buildings during the WRNC Symposium, except by advance written permission.
Anyone found in violation of this policy will be asked to leave the symposium immediately, with no refund of monies paid.