z-American Kestrel Identifying Features

Photo by Jean Chamberlain
2 vertical black markings on
each side of face

top of head bluish gray
with rusty center patch

white cheek and chin
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
ocelli spots (fake eyes) surrounded
by orange nape
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
tomial tooth in the upper mandible
notch in tip of lower mandible
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
rusty back with black marks
bluish gray wings
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
rusty tail with wide
black band
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
black primaries with
white barring
Photo by Gary Siftar
rusty back and wings
with black barring
Photo by Jean Chamberlain
tail marked with
black barring
Photo by Pat Fisher
dark eyes
pinkish face
tomial tooth (not shown, see adult photo)
Photo courtesy Carolina Raptor Center
long toes
Photo by Eileen Wicker
very small