
Raptors of North America

This site was created to help raptor rehabilitators identify the various species that come in for care. Most of the raptors found in North America are represented. For each species there are photos of adults, nestlings, juveniles and for many, close-ups of the head, tail, wings and feet. Photos show the species characteristics, age differences and how to tell the species from similar ones. A series of photos document the different stages of development of the young for some of the species.

Table of Contents

Photos Needed

Many thanks to the people who have generously contributed the photos used on this site. If you have good photos of North American raptors, please consider contributing them. The photos that are most needed are listed, but multiple photos of the same species may be used when they are available, particularly of juveniles and species that differ by region and subspecies.

Photos Needed List

Raptor ID was designed and created by Jean Chamberlain. Please send your comments, suggestions, and photos to her at jchamberlain1@windstream.net.

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