Photos needed

Ferruginous hawkAdultCloseups of tail, wing, feet
JuvenileCloseups of tail, wing, feet
Nestling Full body
Northern goshawkAdultCloseups of wing, feet, tail
JuvenileCloseups of wing, feet, tail
Swainson’s hawkAdultCloseups of tail, feet
JuvenileTail showing wing length
JuvenileOuter primaries spread
Rough-legged hawkAdult Underside of dark phase wing
AdultCloseup of head, wing, feet, tail
JuvenileCloseup of head, wing, feet, tail
NestlingFull body
GyrfalconAdultCloseup of primaries spread
AdultLight phase
AdultDark phase
Adult/juvenileCloseups of wing, tail, feet
Juvenilecloseup of head
Prairie falconAdult/juvenileCloseups of wings, feet, tail
AdultUnderside of wing
American kestrelFemale any ageInside mouth
MerlinAny ageBack of head showing dark nape
Adult/juvenileCloseups of wing, feet, tail
Female Tail
Barn owlAdultFull body
AdultCloseup of wing, tail, feet
Boreal owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of head, wing, tail, feet
Adult/juvenileFull body
AdultTop of head
Burrowing owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of wing, tail
Elf owlAdultBrown phase
Adult/juvenileCloseup of head, wing, tail, feet
Great gray owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of wing, tail, feet
Ferruginous pygmy owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of wing, feet, tail
AdultBack of head
Flammulated owlAdultOutstretched wing
JuvenileFull body
NestlingFull body
Long-eared owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of feet
Mottled owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of wing, feet, tail
Northern hawk owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of tail, wing, feet
AdultEar cavity
NestlingFull body
Northern pygmy owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of head, wing, tail, feet
JuvenileFull body
Northern saw-whet
Short-eared owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of tail, feet
Snowy owlJuvenileFull body
Spotted owlJuvenileFull body
Whiskered owlAdultRed/brown phase
AdultBack of neck
Adultcloseup of feather
JuvenileFull body
Adult/juvenileCloseup of tail, feet, wing
Western screech owlAdult/juvenileCloseup of head, wing, tail, feet
Northern HarrierAdultSpread female wing
Adult/juvenileCloseups of head, wing, feet, tail
Mississippi kiteAdultCloseup of feet
Adult femaleSpread wing showing white
secondaries and outermost
primaries shorter than wing tip
White-tailed kiteAdultCloseup of tail
Adult/juvenileCloseups of wing, feet
Bald eagleAdultTail
JuvenileCloseup of head
Golden eagleAdultCloseup of wing
(top and underside), feet
JuvenileFull profile
JuvenileCloseup of wing, tail, head, feet
Western screech owlAny ageFeet showing feathers
Whiskered screech owlAny ageFeet showing feathers
Flammulated owlAny ageFeet showing not feathered
Adult Red phase
JuvenileRed phase