WRNC invites wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, vet techs and associated wildlife professionals to attend its annual symposium. more

WRNC offers weekend beginner wildlife rehabilitation classes throughout North Carolina. If you are interested in hosting a class, contact us for more information.

Are you a wildlife rehabilitator in the state of North Carolina?
Do you want to be a part of teaching the next generation of wildlife rehabilitators? more
WRNC provides RVS training at the symposium covering the 12 hours of training required to quality for a permit. It includes sessions on the regulations, permit requirements and application procedures, rabies, vectors, vaccinations, titers, and testing. Expert instructors for the various rabies vector species cover handling, housing and care for each species.
Wildlife Rehabilitators of North Carolina (WRNC) is a nonprofit, membership organization committed to sharing information and knowledge about wildlife rehabilitation for the benefit of native wildlife.